What Is The Advantage Of A Vacuum Mattress?

Vacuum mattress stretcher from jiekang medical

Handling a patient who has injured their spine is a challenging task. The paramedic must keep the patient immobilized to prevent further injuries. A vacuum mattress is invaluable during this process.

The primary advantage of using a vacuum mattress is its comfort. In the past, trauma management teams used backboards for spinal immobilization. Today, paramedics are turning to vacuum mattresses. Vacuum mattresses protect the patient and keep them comfortable throughout the transportation process.

Let’s find out more about using a vacuum mattress to enhance patient comfort.

Vacuum Mattress Versus Backboards

Backboards are also known as long backboards, spine boards, or trauma boards. Trauma boards are rigid, making them suitable for rescuing unresponsive patients. Paramedics also used these boards to move patients with spinal, head, or neck injuries.

The image below shows a patient strapped on a backboard:

Alt: patient strapped on a backboard

For many years, engineers manufactured backboards from thick marine plywood. The backboards weren’t water-resistant. Besides, they were difficult to clean. Modern spine boards are made from plastic.

The primary problem with backboards is that they are rigid and uncomfortable to lie on. A patient who must stay on the longboards for an extended period may develop sores and bruises. A vacuum mattress solves this problem.

The Problem With Spine Boards

Medics emphasize that patients spend the least time possible on backboards. Backboards aren’t flexible. Lying on them for extended periods increases stress on pressure points. The stress causes discomfort.

Other problems associated with spine boards include:

  • Pinching and discomfort. The hard surface of the spine board may pinch the patient around the shoulders and buttock area. Besides the resulting discomfort, the pinching may cause significant pain.
  • Lesions from pressure. The patient may develop lesions around their pressure points. The bruises emphasize the importance of proper padding, which vacuum mattresses provide.
  • Discomfort for pregnant women. Pregnant women, particularly those past the 20-week gestation, shouldn’t use spine boards. The reason? Their abdominal vessels press against the spine boards for extended periods, causing discomfort. A vacuum mattress reduces the discomfort.

How A Vacuum Mattress Solves The Above Problems

A vacuum mattress solves the discomfort problem. It molds to the various contours of the patient’s body. Also, its cushioning properties reduce soreness around the patient’s pressure points.

The mattress’ ability to adapt to the patient’s body curvature is helpful for older patients. It’s also helpful for patients with abnormal spinal curvatures. These individuals are fragile and need a soft cushion to prevent bruising and sores.

The image below illustrates a vacuum mattress and its pump:

Alt: vacuum cleaner and its pump

The vacuum mattress distributes the patient’s weight across its area.

The uniform weight distribution minimizes the stress on the body’s pressure points. The result is less soreness and discomfort.

Unlike the backboard, a vacuum mattress can provide thermal insulation, further enhancing comfort. A vacuum mattress’ heat insulation properties allow the paramedics to prevent hypothermia. Thus, it’s an invaluable tool when rescuing a patient in freezing conditions.

How to Use A Vacuum Mattress To Enhance Comfort

Patients needing immobilization before transportation benefit the most from vacuum mattresses. But paramedics must prepare well for the process.

Excellent preparation helps to keep the patent comfortable throughout the transportation process.

The Preparation Stage

The preparation stage involves the following steps:

Step 1: Inspect the vacuum mattress. The inspection entails removing harness straps from underneath the mattress. Place them over the edge of the stretcher or trolley. The image below shows an inspected vacuum mattress (A) and backboard (B).

Alt: vacuum mattress and a backboard

Step 2: Remove the headrest and position the infusion poles flat.

Step 3: Position the vacuum mattress over the stretcher or critical care trolley. Place it at the center. This position helps distribute the patient’s weight. Also, remove any bumps on the surface of the mattress.

Step 4: Examine the mattress’ valve and keep it open.

Step 5: Create a vacuum in the mattress using the pump. Stop pumping once the mattress is hard enough. Now, you can move the patient onto the bed.

How to Place the Patent On The Mattress

Use a scoop stretcher to transfer the patent. The scoop stretcher will reduce movement around the injured points. Below are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Determine the number of people you’ll need. Depending on the patient’s weight, you’ll need at least four people. One of you will be the leader who will command the others on what to do to ensure uniformity in movement.

Step 2: Adjust and fix the length of the scoop to accommodate the patient’s height.

Step 3: Your leader will issue the commands. Follow their command to help the entire team to work together. Ensure the sliding movement is smooth by avoiding any jerky movement.

Step 4: Once you’ve transferred the patient onto the stretcher, lock the two halves of the stretcher in position. This prevents the stretcher from moving.

Step 5: Make necessary adjustments to ensure the patient lies in the correct position.

Step 6: Place the scoop trolley on the vacuum stretcher.

Step 7: Remove the scoop stretcher while maintaining the spinal alignment. This process will need coordination to reduce movement. One of you will manage the patient’s cervical spine area, while two others will secure the stretcher. The fourth person will check the safety locks and unlock them once the patient is on the vacuum mattress.


The advantage of using a vacuum mattress is that it ensures patient comfort. The mattress wraps itself around the patient’s contours. Its cushioning reduces strain from the body’s stress on the pressure points. Use a scoop stretcher to transfer the patient onto the vacuum mattress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a vacuum mattress together with a backboard?

Yes. You can place the vacuum mattress on top of the backboards. This position minimizes the discomfort from lying on the spine board. The vacuum mattress will act as a stress cushion.

How does a vacuum mattress work?

The vacuum mattress comes with a pump that you can use to create the required vacuum. The mattress works by cushioning the patient’s pressure points. The cushioning reduces the chances of sores forming.

Why should I use a vacuum mattress for a spinal injury patient?

A vacuum mattress keeps patients immobile and comfortable during movement.


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